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A captivating debut novel and mind bending speculative fiction masterpiece from award-winning Scottish writer Duncan Fraser.

FORTHCOMING: Autumn 2024


The controversial new novel by Anglican priest and author of Holy Disorder Geoff Smith.



Join author Duncan Saunders and his brilliant gothic horror novel The Guard Cat for a pre-Halloween treat. Reading and Signing. SATURDAY 19TH OCT @ Wantage Bookstore, Oxfordshire.


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The Reach


A Magazine of Slipstream Short Fiction.

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“Having read extensively online that your first book is rarely published, I sent Blame off to the usual list of publishers one can find easily online with limited expectation. I still have my first email from Foreshore. Their enthusiasm for the book jumped out of the screen. As a new author, I had a ton of questions to ask before agreeing to publish my book. All my questions were welcomed and answered. As a relatively new company, I knew that they would be willing to do the work to bring the book to market, and in return expand their own place in the market. It felt like the perfect fit. A formatting error on the first run of Blame was quickly discovered and dealt with. I had full confidence in Foreshore that this would be resolved. I value the knowledge and experience they have. In many ways it is priceless. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing your book listed on bookshops websites. That would never have happened had I gone down the self publication route. I hope that Blame is just the start of our journey together.”

Edward Burley, author of Blame.

“As we know getting published is one or uniquely one of the hardest things to achieve even more than the old traditional record deal. So after what must have seemed two long years trying hard. A call if I recall from Foreshore Publishing that they had read my manuscript and further a meeting was made. It was on this day they had written side notes onto a printed off sheets from my book. This was the sign I felt this seemed legitimate. After this some further negotiation on contractual offer. I knew the pedigree that the team had come as it was mentioned Foreshore was spurned out of covid and formed or formerly agents at possibly the largest Publishing house. I’m a psychic also by trade so surely I must know right. Well not always but instinctively as time passed I felt more and more and more happy and excited to be working with Foreshore. They feel like a band of a team around you and you can tell they really really care and seek the best international outcome for you. I’m very proud to now be a writer author signed to Foreshore Publishing. I think in the coming years they will be looked at as a tor de force and everyone will be scrapping to be signed. But I Hope they stay like the best kind of scouts put there. The publishing industry over the last decade has come up against some huge forces of public trend from magazine buyers of old to select book readers. Foreshore is the new word in Publishing.”

Jenna Leigh-Rain, author of Pretty Wonder.

“I’ve had previous experience of a publishing house before Foreshore and the difference between them is like night and day. I was always emailing the other publisher for updates but Foreshore keep you in the loop. The staff are friendly and always on hand to answer your question whether by phone, email or text.To the extent, that I have several manuscripts ready to go in a franchise and I am staying with Foreshore even though I’ve had interest from other publishers. I cannot recommend them strongly enough. True partners in your literary journey.”

Robyn Smythe, author of Fallon.

“I have found this publisher helpful, honest and knowledgeable. Can’t fault them so far.”

Steven J Yeo, author of Keterlyn.

“After publishing my first novel on Amazon with moderate success. I wanted a traditional publishing contract for my second book. After many submissions to agents and even direct to publishing houses with no success. I was introduced to Foreshore Publishing. At first I was weary of vanity publishers as had heard many stories of promising the earth only to take your money and then fail to live up to your expectations. From my very first conversation with Phil from Foreshore I knew that they were different.  As agreed, my second novel was published and has been well publicised and is now available in a number of bookstores.I have the third book with them now and know they will promote it well.”

Charles White, author of Instinctive Target.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed working alongside Foreshore Publishing. They have kept me informed off everything that was happening in the publication process of my novella, and they did great work on my book cover, which was a design I would never have thought of.”

Paul Westlake, author of The Boss.

“My book Holy Disorder is published by Foreshore Publishing. I had no agent. I had sent the Mss to a couple of publishers who whilst polite and encouraging made it clear that they only read Mss sent to them by agents. I was also very wary about Vanity Publishing. Most vanity publishers will accept a Mss and will get it into print. But without further support such as editing (which is critical) and marketing which is essential. My journey with Foreshore began by my sending my unsolicited Mss to them by email in response to an advert on Facebook. I then received a prompt reply from Phil at Foreshore telling me that he had read the Mss in the office and was taking it home to read over the weekend (Easter Weekend 22). By the middle of the next week he had responded with an extremely positive and encouraging email reply saying we ‘have to publish Holy Disorder’. During the process which was conducted in a timely manner, my novel was published in late September, I have received support which has been both extremely professional and really quite personal. For example I didn’t immediately warm to the cover design and responded to that with a suggestion of my own. I received an alternative proposal and a possible draft based on the idea I had suggested. In practice I went with the original concept. The Mss has been professionally edited with some questions highlighted for me to explain but I was especially pleased that the poems I had included were all accepted and included. There is always and element of ‘vanity’ in publishing. Seeing your name in print and your book on a shelf in Waterstones is gratifying. But I don’t consider Foreshore to be a vanity publisher, not that they shy away from that description. I see the financial contribution I made as simply contributing co-operatively to the considerable costs of getting a book into print. I suspect the cover design and editing alone would have cost me more had I self-published, in the which case I would not have had the marketing support that Foreshore have provided. I am pleased to be a Foreshore author and am currently discussing a second title with Phil.”

Geoff Smith, author of Holy Disorder

“Having completed my first two novels realisation hit me. I didn’t want a publisher, but I did need a business partner who was a publisher. Namely this had to be a person I could work with and relate to. A person who believed in the quality of my writing and who possessed the professional skills and expertise to publish it to the widest possible audience. Phil Shirley, the MD of Foreshore Publishing, more than met my criteria and is now my business partner, sharing with me what I’m certain will be an exciting journey. Prior to meeting Foreshore, five other publishers had offered me contracts. Encouraging, but the standard sign here and let’s see what happens failed to excite me. Prior of signing with Foreshore Phil and I had a lengthy telephone conversation and, later, he kindly went out of his way to meet me face to face where he answered all my questions. After parting company, I knew I’d found my new business partner and, days later, happily signed the Foreshore contract which I found to be far more “author friendly.” Now, and with publication imminent, I’m looking forward to working with Phil and his dedicated team to maximise sales”

Peter Warrilow, author of The Drysedale Confession.

“My novel was only just released over a month ago, so I cannot judge sales performance. But to date, I’ve been delighted with my Foreshore experience. From the initial discussions, through the editing process, and into completion and marketing, it’s been a completely smooth and enjoyable experience. The people I have interacted with, most especially Phil Shirley, have been excellent communicators. The clarity, the direction, and the responsiveness has been impressive indeed. One detail that I found particularly accomplished was the first-class scrutiny of the proof-read. Thank you, Team Foreshore!”

Richemont Lewis, author of Turf.

“Many thanks to Phil and the team at Foreshore for working so diligently to get my novel ’Snake Town’ published.  The end result is fabulous – great cover design by Andjela Vujic – and the book was available in the US straight away. The communication between us was first rate and I always felt the Foreshore team were right behind the book from the beginning.”

Toby Wilshire, author of Snake Town.