Probably the Hardest Working and Most Author-Centric Publisher of Fantastic Fiction Books in the World.

Foreshore Publishing offers everything you need to professionally publish and market your fiction book, including the rare combination of expertise and personal attention that authors want, but rarely get.

We are independently traditional and unique in the world of publishing, not only because of our mission to publish new and emerging authors of fiction, but also because of our manuscript vetting and traditional distribution into actual bookstores. We now sell direct to major booksellers such as Waterstones and hundreds of independent bookstores.

We are the only Indie Publisher in the UK to offer new and emerging writers traditional and hybrid publishing contracts.

This is the key difference between Foreshore and other hybrid, self-publishing, and vanity presses. We are much more of a partner with the author.

The exciting, rewarding third way.

Traditional publishing was once widely considered the holy grail of publishing and hybrid publishing a middle ground between self publishing and traditional publishing. This is no longer the case. Many writers, disillusioned and frustrated by the restrictions imposed by self publishing and traditional publishing, want a third way – beyond the print-on-demand world and chaotic junkification that is Amazon and beyond the exclusive barriers of traditional publishers

The publishing industry is changing, growing with the diverse and inclusive world around it. The third way – the hybrid way – is the fluid way. Probably the best way, for writers.

The difference between Hybrid, Traditional, Self-Publishing and Vanity.

A traditional publisher usually only publishes work for free, doing the marketing, adding titles to all of the necessary wholesalers, providing ISBNs and setting up events. Pretty much exactly as hybrid publishing works, although royalties are low, circa 7.5%, and authors also get far less control in traditional publishing; work is edited and books designed by the publisher with little or no direction from the author. A traditional publisher mostly accepts work from agents and rarely considers work sent in without one.

A vanity publisher, meanwhile, is usually geared up to make a fast buck and rarely goes beyond the most basics of print on demand. They create template based covers quickly, proof once and then print, and only print when they have an order and do not stock any books in a warehouse. They also hardly market their books at all. The quality of the books is usually sub-industry standard and they do not put titles on any databases for wholesalers and bookstores. So authors have to do all of that themselves. They also rarely provide an ISBN, so authors also have to find that themselves to.

Self publishing is not much better and usually works of a get-what-you-pay-for package based model. Authors get a template based cover, maybe some basic editing,  the title may get listed on a publishing database, or not, and it will almost certainly be print on demand, which means the book will likely be very expensive to buy, which can be off-putting to customers.

Hybrid publishers, meanwhile, work the same way as traditional publishers, the only difference being the business model. Work that does not meet the criteria for traditional publishing and still has potential to make an impact is published for a fee that covers the first stages of production: editing, proofing, design, ISBN, printing costs, review copies and marketing.

Author-Centric. Motivated by growing fan bases and selling books.

Good communication, hard work and transparency is at the heart of our model and this means we care deeply about our authors and the work. The journey to making a great fiction book is a journey we go on together, over weeks, months and years. Unlike vanity publishers we don’t lose interest once the book is printed. We expect to make money off the sale of books, not just off the author’s fees, and we work hard to promote our books and our authors.

At Foreshore, we do most things in-house, including editing, formatting, design, and we use a top quality UK book printer. Our covers are beautiful, well designed and reflect deep insight on the ideal positioning for each of our titles. We also have a warehouse and do not run off print and demand. We stock books in bulk.

We provide fair and transparent publishing solutions, inspired by Authors’ Guild model contracts, to help authors reach bookstores and readers.

Our traditional publishing contract offers a 12% share of net revenues, along with the possibility of an advance. In contrast, our bespoke hybrid models provide royalties ranging from 30% to 70% of net revenues, with a variety of flexible payment options available, including the ability to defer payments against future royalties. These options are designed to provide you with flexibility and a favorable return based on sales. Our latest hybrid options list is available on request.

Both our traditional and hybrid models include comprehensive services such as editing, custom interior and cover design, ISBNs, UK printing, sales and distribution to bookstores, marketing, launch support, and merchandising.

The end goal is the same: build author fanbases and sell books.

If are interested in submitting your work please read our submission guidelines. If you need any further information on publishing with Foreshore please email