A Common Person and Other Stories

A Common Person and Other Stories (Richard Sullivan Prize in Short Fiction) by R.M. Kinder The stories in A Common Person and Other Stories, R. M. Kinder's third short-story collection and the winner of the Richard Sullivan Prize in Short Fiction, expose the disruption in our modern life and the ever-present threat...

Burning Girls and Other Stories

Burning Girls and Other Stories by Veronica Schanoes In Burning Girls and Other Stories, Veronica Schanoes crosses borders and genres with stories of fierce women at the margins of society burning their way toward the center. This debut collection introduces readers to a fantasist in the vein of Karen Russell and Kelly...

Machines of Another Era

Machines of Another Era by Bess Winter Opening these pages is like stepping through a secret doorway to discover a menagerie of wonders, impossibly beautiful. There are sentences here so fine, so perfectly worded, they made me gasp. Unsettling, mysterious, slightly subversive, deeply moving, these stories are small punches to...